Sunday, March 30, 2014

ME! Bath Ginger BeauTEA Ice Cream Bath Fizzer Review~

Hello Kittens!
Today I decided to use one of my ice cream bath fizzers by ME! Bath. The item that I used is called Ginger BeauTEA~
*You can purchase this item here!*

Now, here are a few photos!

Now, the breakdown of my experience!First, the product description:
"Ginger BeauTEATravel back to 10th century China during the Reign of Emperor Hui Zong who lost his empire in an obsessive pursuit of White Tea. During this time of mystery and intrigue, rare White Tea was revered for its therapeutic qualities of youth and good health. As you soak in the bath that is fit for an Emperor, enjoy the rare blend steeped in citrus, and nutmeg, rich with spicy ginger and clean musk to detoxify the body and achieve that healthy glow!"
I definitely think that the description is pretty much exactly how enchanting and lovely this product was! Not only was the scent dreamy, but it made my skin as soft as a baby's bottom!
After coming out of the bath, my skin felt like there was a layer of lotion and still feels as soft a few hours later! I can still even smell it on my skin, and let me tell you, it is so dreamy and delightful!
I also have another ice cream bath fizzer that I have yet to use, which I shall be anticipating! I absolutely loved this product. I have used other bath fizzers and bath bombs in the past, but they always made the water feel acidic and burned my skin, which is the exact opposite of this product!

I give this product:


Thank you for reading! I highly suggest trying out some of ME! Bath's products for yourself, I know that you won't be disappointed!
Happy bathing and remember to stay cute~


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